To ensure we continue to be of value for our industry and our clients, our team of experts regularly draw from real experiences and learning’s across our diverse workload to share regular articles. This includes potential issues to be aware of and opportunities to reduce risk, along with key trends from around the world.
Eyes on the sky for a groundbreaking safety and efficiency solution
Looking skyward is solving safety and efficiency challenges for geotechnical engineers, with drone photogrammetry helping to photograph, generate 3D models, measure, and analyse site terrain faster than ever, informing critical decision-making while keeping personnel out of harm’s way. Senior Engineering Geologist Adam Kerr explains why this arguably underused tool is so powerful for data acquisition, and why the process should be rolled out as best practice across the industry.
The flow-on effect: Why paying attention to the impacts of water is vital for mine site design
Water is critical to the mining industry. Without water, mines don’t function. But it must be managed appropriately as water is also one of the primary drivers of slope failures and slope instability. In this article, Cartledge Mining and Geotechnics Director Tim Cartledge examines why groundwater and surface water management is imperative when it comes to the geotechnic performance of a mine site.